Sunday, November 6, 2011

Are You Too Nice at Work?

Miss Yes
If you have a problem saying no to anyone, including your juniors, then you are far too nice! You end up running errands and covering shifts even for the office boys! You have to learn how to say NO to people and put your foot down! And no, there’s no need to get your assistant coffee everyday just because she feels lazy.

Work it out
If you’re constantly being dumped with work from all over, or being taken advantage of by co-workers, then, you’re too nice for your own good. If co-workers push all their work on you to leave early, it’s not called being nice… it’s called being stupid! And, these are probably the very ones who won’t ever help you out when you’re in a time crunch.

Look for the best in people
Do you always try to find a good quality in even the worst person? This is a sure sign that you’re far too nice. You never have a bad word to say about anyone. While this maybe good, it helps to take people at face value. Some people are only out to achieve their own goals and won’t mind putting others down in the process.

Ready to listen
If you’re the one that people turn to when they have a problem, it can make you feel nice. But, it can also weigh you down. If you’re constantly being burdened by the entire office’s worries, it can leave you feeling drained by the end of the day!

Get ditched
Though you’re constantly helping out co-workers, bosses, and even juniors, not one ever calls you out when they get together for drinks after work. Why? Because, either they’re laughing about you, or you’re stuck at work finishing off their tasks!
Too much of anything is bad, and this applies to being too nice as well. Don’t let people take advantage of your kind nature. We aren’t telling you to become a super bitch, but just draw a line between what’s acceptable and what isn’t.

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