Saturday, November 12, 2011

Green belt to mark the anniversary of ‘Deyata Sevana’

A new green belt is to be created marking the anniversary of the ‘ Deyata Sevana’ programme providing the benefits of national tree planting programme to the people.The green area will be created on a 7 acre land adjoining the Japan Friendship Road near the Diyawanna Oya. The first tree will be planted in this area on 15th of this month marking the inauguration of the 2nd phase of the national tree planting campaign. Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa inspected the garden today. He said that trees will be planted at the auspicious time of 9.01 am on 15th of this month by the invited guests under the patronage of the President . He called upon the people to participate in the programme by planting a tree in their home gardens to create a Sri Lanka covered in greenery.
The Ministry of Environment is planning to create green belts in urban areas to minimize damage to the environment at a time when the country is on a path towards speedy development. Sri Lanka Army, Navy, Sri Lanka land reclamation and development Corporation, Urban Development Authority, Highways Department and the Kaduwela Municipal Council are participating in the project. With the completion of its construction people will have an opportunity to enjoy themselves in pleasant and natural surroundings.

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