Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why you need more ‘risky’ equities in your pension pot

Wealthier employees are being shoehorned into unsuitable pension arrangements   that expose them to too much risk when they are young, but invest much too   cautiously as they hit retirement.
That is the finding of a report from Cass Business School in London, which   examined the strategies adopted by typical defined purchase pension schemes   across Britain.
The report, Optimal Funding and Investment Strategies in Pension Plans, by   Professor David Blake, concludes that the one-size-fits-all nature of   default funds in workplace money purchase schemes means millions of   higher-rate taxpayers are investing in the wrong types of assets throughout   their lives.
For Prof Blake, the problem centres on the fact that default funds assume that   everyone in them is going to use all their pot to buy an annuity on the day   they retire. While this may be the right solution for the majority of   people, who cannot afford the risk or advice costs of income drawdown, for a   substantial  minority a 100pc switch out of equities is unsuitable.
Research from the Pensions Policy Institute shows that 25pc of defined   contribution pension savers over 55 have sufficient assets to consider   income drawdown, yet anyone planning to do so should not be entirely   invested in bonds.
Existing default funds are not just unsuitable for wealthier pension   investors, but they expose people of all income groups to too much risk in   their late forties and fifties, says the report.
Prof Blake said: “The problem with default funds is they start switching   people out of equities too late, but, when they finally do so, it happens   too fast and it goes too far.”
With money purchase pension schemes, it is the individual who is exposed to   stock market risk. To avoid the risk that a 30pc drop in the stock market   the day before you retire translates to a 30pc drop in pension income, as   happened to some individuals in 2008, most pension funds operate an   automatic de-risking system. This gradually switches tranches of your fund   out of equities and into bonds, gilts or cash. This process, called   “lifestyling”, usually happens in the five or 10 years preceding your stated   retirement date.
Prof Blake’s research concludes that the switch away from risky assets should   start much sooner, gradually moving investors out of equities when they are   in their late forties. But rather than reaching retirement age 100pc   invested in bonds, wealthier people should still have between 20pc and 50pc   left in equities.
Andy Cheseldine, of pension consultancy LCP, said: “Lifestyling only works for   the 80pc of people who are going to end up buying an annuity. It is a very   blunt instrument and if you know that you will not be buying an annuity when   you retire with the whole of your fund, then you should not be 100pc in   bonds or gilts when you reach retirement age.”

Beware the default fund

Default funds have stayed in the thrall of the cult of equities long after   years of good performance stopped masking poor asset allocation.
Investment experts agree that equities are absolutely the right asset class   for younger investors because they have historically returned more on   average than bonds for longer periods. But over shorter time investment   horizons the chances of them outperforming fall.
The Barclays Equity/Gilt study has been collecting data on the relative   performance of different asset classes since 1899. Of the 94 discrete   18-year periods since the end of the 19th century, equities outperformed   cash for 93 of them and beat gilts on 83 occasions.
But consider a 10-year time horizon and you don’t have to look far to find   cash and gilts outperforming equities. In the so called “lost decade for   equities”, the 10 years to 2010, UK equities generated on average a return   of 0.6pc a year, compared with 2.4pc for gilts and 1.1pc for cash.
Prof Blake argued that while equities were expected to outperform, the risk   they will not do so grows as the investment horizon shortens. For this   reason investors need to start moving at least some of their assets into   bonds in their mid to late forties.
“Depending on how risk averse you are, you should have between 20pc and 50pc   of your fund in equities on the day you retire,” he said. “This is because   you are going to live for possibly another 30 years, so want to attempt to   achieve some of the higher potential returns available from equities.”
Rather than plain vanilla equity funds, Prof Blake preferred diversified   growth funds that offer access to a range of growth asset classes such as   property, currency, infrastructure, private equity and debt as well as   traditional equities, which are designed to give equity-like performance but   with lower volatility.
Once in income drawdown, investors should continue the strategy of taking risk   out of their portfolio gradually.
This is because the nearer you approach your likely age of death, the better   rate of return you get from an annuity, making annuities increasingly   attractive compared with income drawdown . This effect, known as “mortality   drag”, means your investments have to return around 6pc a year by age 75 for   your drawdown pot to keep pace with what an annuity would pay you. By age 80   the figure is a difficult-to-achieve 7.4pc.
Most experts agree that this strategy is pretty close to the sort of solution   that wealthy people paying for professional advice would receive.
Andrew Herberts, investment director at Adam Investment Management, said: “Dr   Blake’s approach more or less describes what we do for our clients at the   moment.”
Another advantage of phasing annuity purchase in this way is that it reduces   the risk of buying one at the bottom of the market. “Making a   once-in-a-lifetime switch into an annuity at age 65 is not optimal because   you could be at the bottom of the interest-rate cycle,” said Prof Blake.   “Phasing your annuity purchase hedges you against that interest-rate risk.”
Billy Burrows, a director of Better Retirement Group, said: “If you want to   phase your annuity purchase, there are two ways to do it. If you already   have several pension policies, you can use them to buy annuities one at a   time.
“Alternatively, you can put your entire fund into a low-cost Sipp and take   chunks out as and when you want to. Another advantage of waiting is that the   older you get, the more chance you can get an enhanced annuity on grounds of   ill health.
“And you will find it easier to pass on the assets still in your Sipp in the   event that you die. But you will face a cost each time you transfer money   from your Sipp, as well as the cost of advice on your annuity purchase.”
Defined contribution pensions are risky enough as it is – so it is worth   making sure you are taking risks only when it is in your interests to do so.

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